Memorable Mayo

Our simple carefree having nothing to do except figure out what to do life suddenly had a complete shift and all our vibrations are ringing at a higher tone, our energy has shifted and i feel this paradise life is fading. I am finding it harder and harder to write,my mind races but I can’t seem to put any of it together.
Of course my mind has been preoccupied with the current events that are the reason for this enormous energy shift, and the stress levels have risen once again.
Last week the Universe challenged my strength, started with some sort of sting or bite on my toe that made my whole foot swollen then,to a pulled muscle on my neck and shoulder that was absolutely paralyzingly and just when I didn’t think I could feel any worse the universe exploded with it’s grand final of fireworks upon me.
Wednesday Night May 9th the sky transformed into this eery purple yellow color, Cam and myself both commented on how eery it was. Walking home from Las Penitas I noticed that everything was just kind of still the ocean seemed quiet the air smelt thick and there was this presence that wrapped itself around me, a disturbance in the force, unsettling feeling working it’s way from my swollen toes to my painful neck.
The events that happen next will remain in my heart and mind forever and will undoubtably make this Nicaraguan trip unforgettable, with that being said Lila does not want it all publicized and as her mother I will respect that, so I will tell the cliff note version and you can get the detailed version from Lila or myself in person. But pictures are ok she says!
We had to rush Lila to the hospital to get 22 stitches in her lower calf, 8 on the inside layer and 14on the outer. The bathroom sink broke off the wall and split open her leg just missing the muscle,a main vein and her tendon, her angels were with her in a very powerful way that night. The vision of her leg and the words “we need to go to the ER” are rooted deep in me. Lila has the most amazingly strong soul, she never once cried or has complained about it, she was incredible at the hospital we both just breathed thru the pain then once she was numb we talked thru the stitch up job. I would give a little glance every now and again but Lila didn’t want me to look and i really didn’t want to see. She doesn’t go in that bathroom anymore and doesn’t want to talk about it. I completely understand and respect all of that, I don’t like going thru that bathroom either anymore the energy in it is all wrong now, it’s like a crime scene now, it holds a certain yuck feeling for me I can only imagine the feeling she gets.
It’s been a week and she is healing up wonderfully, We took her to a plastic surgent and he said she looks great, gave her the go ahead to walk and it was like seeing my baby take her first steps all over again, she even got a little bike ride in. She gets her stitches out on the 21st we are all very excited and very proud of her. Lila’s first visit to a hospital and it’s in Nicaragua, which ended up costing us only $200 U.S dollars for the entire incident! That is incredible, so incredible I decided I would get my last three wisdom teeth pulled out down here, so I did today Friday the 18th and now I feel like the Bill Cosby skit, my whole entire face is tingle, the numbness is starting to where off but I took some sort of pain pill already so I feel fantastic except for the fact that I feel like I just had a 200 pound man stand on my jaw for an hour. It was pretty comical I suppose, we both attempted to speak to eachother in eachothers language, I think we both figured it out. After he shot my mouth full of novacaine he started pulling my tooth but it still hurt so I had to explain to him in Spanish with a numb mouth full of gauze,” more novacaine still hurts”, that was entertaining finally I just hit him and said ouch he finally got it. We both laughed, well he laughed I kind of half faced smirked with a couple of grunts. I brought my iPod and plugged in and tuned out because the worst part is hearing your teeth being ripped out, I was completely numb so needed to numb my ears as well, it was way better. He would give me a thumbs up every now and then and I would respond with one back. Sign language really is the international language.

ChynaMae had an amazing Nicaraguan style birthday on the 16th. We got her an Estrella piñata ( that’s a star) and one traditional Nica birthday cake that said Feliz Cumpleanos ChynaMae and a double chocolate cake for the adults. When we got back from Leon the neighbor ladies came over stuffed the piñata, cleaned my house and put up decorations in all of like 10 minutes then vanished and came back at 5 for the fiesta. That was super sweet. We made cheeseburgers for everyone and just hung out in silence, of course the kids where having a blast. They sang her a traditional birthday song which was cool then it was piñata time. There was a little girl who’s birthday was That day as well and didn’t have a piñata so we invited them over to share in the piñata-ing, so by 7 we had about 20 people here 10 where kids. ChynaMae said it was the best birthday party Ever, and it was pretty memorable. The family we have made here is wonderful, we have an adopted daughter Marcella who spends pretty much all day everyday with the girls and us, teaching us Spanish and learning English. She is going to be very sad when we leave. Hopefully we will remain with her for a long time. We taught her how to ride a bike, we take her to the beach and taught her to play carefully in the waves and showed her a different lifestyle just as she and her family has shown us. Our neighbors have helped us out so much they have been nothing but amazing and make us feel like we belong.

Our weeks are numbered here and I feel myself filling up with all emotions. Excited to come home but not excited to be leaving this easy life, however we will be back here again and be in our own home on the beachfront where we should be. We know now how to make it happen, we came, we adjusted and we made it. A success thru it all, thru the bumps and thru the let downs we are still on top and Poneloya will always be a home. I am grateful for every part of this journey so far.

Chaotic simplicity

I often find myself sitting in the rocking chair by the front window wall, watching life go by in my one street world, longing for what I know as “normalcy”. The smell of fast food chains, the sound of car stereo’s pumping thru your veins and conversations. The everyday shuffling thru the American lifestyle, the chaos of who has what and why, and the intoxicating desire to need something better…..normalcy.
The smell of salt in the air, the sound of the ocean slapping, the cows and horses that walk the beach and down the road, this is my normal now. As I settle deeper and deeper I can feel myself sinking into the Nica life, becoming part of the small community. My once normal life is becoming the abnormal life, it all seems so foreign to me. I once craved the simple life and I now crave the chaotic one, always chasing those cravings, chasing satisfaction, will i ever feel completely satisfied, is it possible for both desires to be met.
The craving of chaos but the desire of simplicity, it’s the ultimate balancing act, just enough of each to keep you level. Just enough to keep each craving satisfied. Pure chaotic simplicity, sounds perfect.

Chicken Bus

Nicaragua’s next top Models

We decided to have some Girl fun one day when Cam and our Friend Gord where off doing boy things. So I was the Costume and accessory designer and Elisha was Photographer and we had our very own fashion show!!